Naturally Pure

Microbiological testing and independent laboratory analyses have shown that Isbre glacier spring water is purer than the rest. Isbre has the lowest total dissolved solids (TDS*) ever recorded for a natural, unprocessed water.

Just take a look at the chart below to see how we measure up against the leading natural waters on the market today:

ISBRE 4 Panna 130
Appolinaris 1800 Panna 480
Arrowhead 270 Poland Spring 54
Crystal Geyser - CA 120 San Faustino 1200
Crystal Geyser - Tenn. 130 San Pellegrino 990
Crystal Springs 44 Sparkletts 120
Dannon 160 Saratoga 90
Deer Park 72 Trump Ice 74
Deja Blue 28 TyNant 180
Evian 310 Tynant Carb 200
Fiji 230 Vermont Pure 72
Gerolsteiner 1500 Vittel 400
Icelandic Glacial 74 Volvic 140
Ice Mountain 76 Voss 64
Iceland Spring 42 Zephyr Hills 200

Lab Tested by Groundwater Analytical and Eurofins Norge
* Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are the total amount of mobile charged ions, including minerals, salts or metals dissolved in a given volume of water, expressed in units of mg per unit volume of water (mg/L), also referred to as parts per million (ppm).

Isbre's water source is so pure that it can be used in most batteries as replacement for distilled water (TDS of approx. 4 PPM). And this is without any form of treatment or filtering!

With ISBRE, all you get is delicious, healthy glacier spring water. You can see it and taste it. And we prove it.